How'd you end up at LFC? Long story. I came to the Chicago area for a Leadership Convention I was chosen to participate in the summer going into my senior year of high school. When I came to the city I fell in love with it and wanted to look into schools in the area. I had never really been dead set on a certain college or university growing up so my options were open. I looked into colleeges in the the area and happened to stumble upon Lake Forest. I got more information, had a great admissions director, saw theat there was a good chance I could play soccer here too, which was a great opportunity to meet people coming from so far away. I only applied to one school in Illinois and that was Lake Forest. The rest I applieed to were back in my home state of Washington. After getting into several back home as well as LFC, I decided to go for it, take the risk and see how I like it. I've never regretted my deicison to come here.
Best soccer memory? Beating Grinnell my sophomore year and scoring the game-winning goal. Such an overeall good team feeling.
Nickname? How'd you get it? My nicknname is E-Money. Now I'm not exactly sure how I got this name, you'd have to ask T.R. "Em" was too ordinary, "Sadler" was overused, so "E-Money" naturally follows that succession.
Team you most like to play? Least like to play? Most like to beat? For me, Grinnell has always been a team that was a love/hate relationsjip. I love to play them and love to beat them, but hate playing them all at the same time. If I had to choose another one I'd say St. Norbert is up there too. It's a team you love to beat. I don't really have a team I least like to play, other than maybe Beloit or Monmouth, because those games always end up being too close for comfort. We always end up winning because they're must win, but they're usually not the prettiest games, which probably contributes to why I least like to play there.
Favorite practice drill or game: Thunderdome or any fun shooting drill or something that is competitive and upbeat
Words of wisdom for Freshmen or recruits: If you're looking to play soccer at a competitive level, for a fun and hard-working group of girls, while going to a school that gives you so many options for academics and involvement, Lake Forest is probably your best option. The City of Chicago is a train ride away and has endless opportunities within it. make sure you can choose a school that's right for you? Have fun and enjoy the four years while you can because they go by faster than you can imagine. Soccer was such a great addition to my Lake Forest experience and gave me four very memorable seasons. It was a great way to make lifelong friend and compete as a team to succeed on the field.
Favorite class or Professor: I'm an English and Communications major so all of my classes involve a lot of reading and writing...but overall favorite classes have been Post-Modernism, Rhetoric of Humor and Visual Communications. Favorite Prof is probably eithere Prof. Schneidereman in the English dept and Prof. Park or Prof. Benacka in the Communications Dept. It's a toos up. I can't pick favorites.
Other organiziations, activities, etc...you are involved in: Senior Steering Committee. Leadership Scholar.

Favorite teammate? Why? Speaking of not picking favorites...This is going to be cheesy, but I've really enjoyed the past four years with my fellow seniors, Jocelyn and Monica. They've always worked hard and have been supportive of me throughout the years and I'm so happy that we finished up our soccer careers together and had a great four years on the field togther.
Regrets? None that I can think of, I only wish I had more time on the team after having such a great culminating season with the girls this year. We worked hard on the field and had a great teeam relationship off the field. Leaving the field after our tough loss against St. Norbert was a sad moment, but I know that next year will be a great year for the team and I can only hope that we can take it to SNC next year and make it to the NCAA tourney. Good luck ladies!