Last Sunday was the Fall Sports Awards Ceremony and because we are a festive bunch, the soccer team followed that up with a team dinner and White Elephant gift exchange.
The various awards given to the team for the 2011 season include:
Most Valuable Player Bri Schliebinger
Most Improved Player Charlotte de Tar
Lisa Sorensen was our lone representative on the Midwest Conference all-Conference team
The team selected Becky Esrock and Lisa Sorensen as our captains for the 2012 season
We didn't have a great win/loss record but there is no question that the team award recipients deserve the accolades. We had some great individual efforts at various points throughout the season--it is just a shame that more of them could not be recognized.
Later in the afternoon, after the Bears had lost an ugly one to the Chiefs, we gathered around and enjoyed a meal and a gift swap. The team gave the coaches some great gifts that they will no doubt enjoy for years to come. AND we all contributed a gift to the Athletic Department's Toys For Tots drive.
It was a good way to get together and enjoy one another before finals and the holiday break begins.
Photos follow!