A lot goes on during preseason. The poor freshmen are going a mile a minute trying to digest all of it. All the names, all the new faces, all the new locations and traditions and procedures. They seem to be catching on, however, and are going to be a real asset to a team that accomplished a lot last year.
Here are a few pics of various and sundry things and people taken during the last week:
The drive I make everyday up from the city for practice includes this stretch of Green Bay Rd. in Lake Forest. It is usually one of my favorite parts of the day. Green, quiet, peaceful, and with gorgeous trees arching over the street. In the two and a half months of our season it changes pretty drastically. I am hoping to post a photo here once a week or so, so that all of you can follow the season along with me. |
Holly, Libby, Sam, and Emily Keast took some rookies into the city on Sunday. They trekked to the Lincoln Park Zoo, one of the largest free zoos in the country. Kyle, Amy, Cara, and Rachel had a wonderful time, I'm sure. |
Every year the college takes the Freshmen to the city for a day as a part of their First Year Studies course. The upperclassmen have usually made a point to get together on this day and enjoy a day without practice. As they did last year, today they journeyed to the Giurovici residence to enjoy the pool and lots and lots of food. |