Over the next weeks, we'll be posting a quick question and answer session with each of our three seniors.
How'd you end up at Lake Forest? I wanted to go to a school far from home and also play soccer. My Mom knew about LFC because she grew up in the area and thought I'd enjoy the community; the facilities were also the best I had visited.
Best soccer memory? Any overnight road trip
Nickname? How'd you get it? Joc/Jocey: always had it
Team you most like to play? Team you least like to play? Team you love to beat? St. Norbert; Knox; Grinnell
Favorite practice drill/game? Butts-Up
Words of wisdom for freshmen or recruits? Live on South campus and avoid classes that go 'til 3:50 while in season, if you can.
Other organizations, activities, etc... you participate in on campus? Academics
Favorite teammate? My fellow seniors, fine group of ladies
Regrets? Not studying abroad*
*In an illustration of the enormous benefits of attending a small school, Joc wrote these responses two weeks ago. Last week, she learned that a group of Lake Forest students (including two of her teammates), who have been planning on going to Greece for four months this spring, were one student short of the quota needed to go. On a Wednesday night, Joc decided she was going to try to appeal the school rule requiring seniors to be on campus their last semester. By Saturday, she had talked to her parents, who gave the okay; spoken to her advisor, who greased the wheels for the appeal; emailed Coach Bell, who wrote a recommendation; and had her appeal granted by the Administration. She is currently waiting to hear if her application to the program will be approved...Good luck Joc!
Teammates and coaches were asked to submit a word or a short summary of Jocelyn.
Teammates say: Hardworking (5 different people used this same word), motivated, hilarious, dexterous--since throughout her time at LFC she played in several positions, passionate (three teammates used this word), I don't know if I'll ever have another teammate people refer to as the silent killer, always there, destructive, dedication and hustle, determined, Jocey Bear, scary, Definitely a player who is "silent but deadly"--she doesn't say much but she can run circles around people on the field. Her stoicism and hard work cannot be replaced and will be greatly missed by all.
Coaches say: silent killer, competitive, crazy, run-through-a-wall type of player.**
**Apparently her family has noticed many of these same qualities. Her brother, Jordan, was the one who scanned the photos posted above. In the email he wrote to her he included this little tidbit: Not really sure what you are thinking in these photos. One makes you look like a demon, as if to say, "Let's get these dumb photos over with. I've got goals to score and hopes to kill!"
There is a motto painted on the wall of one of the locker rooms at Monmouth College. I've seen it before, but I took special notice it this year. We had just finished up our last regular season game--a victory over the Fighting Scots, and I was thinking about the seniors and their four years on the team when I saw this:
Don't brag about you've accomplished
Don't tell people what you are going to do
Keep your mouth shut
Keep your mind on your own business
That's Jocelyn. She showed us all.
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