Incoming senior and team captain Christine Sorensen (AKA Sea Sore) has spent the past semester in Rome, where she just finished up her finals. She sends us a message and a few photos.
Ciao from Roma!
I cannot believe my time abroad is almost over. It has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I've been able to travel around Europe too which has added to the experience. Everyday on my walk to school I pass ruins, Piazza Navona and St. Peters Basilica. Everywhere I go in Rome there is tons of history and also tons of people. The Roman people are a special breed which has taken time to get used to, but I know when I leave I will miss them. For instance, on my run the other day I saw a man walking around in regular man clothes, but with high heels on. He rocked them.

The Roman people also make intense soccer fans. Rome won against Lazio (it is kind of like a White Sox vs. Cubs game) and EVERYONE in Rome went wild. Wild is an understatement actually. The streets were not silent until 1 am. People were waving flags on their Vespas, out their car windows etc. It was madness. I did go to a Roma soccer match. It was the coolest thing to experience. A lot of that had to do with the fact that David Beckham played and he took off his shirt. ;)

Rome has been great, but I am looking forward to my return and to a wonderful season coming up!
Sea Sore