Four of our players are in Greece this quarter, touring the country and learning about Greek culture, politics, and history along with 20 other Lake Forest students and professors.
Above is a photo of a couple of them cliff-diving. Below is a short summary of what they have been up to. (Since they wrote it to their coaches it's heavy on the "we have been working out, promise!" type stuff.)
From C.C.:
All is well over here in Greece! I'm working on postcards right now in the lounge of our hostel, about to go on a jog around the Acropolis. Yes, really.
Us soccer girls have been really busy in Greece: we just got back from a 2-day stay in Olympus (Webs and I received the silver and bronze medals in the sprint competition at the site of the first Hellenic games in 776 B.C.E...Joc and BZ were unable to compete due to illness but had they participated the races would have been much closer) and now we have a few days in Athens before we head off to Mykonos for about 4 days. The weather has been wonderful here so we've all been working out quite a bit, relaxing on the beach, and enjoying the fine Greek cuisine--Webs and I tried snails while we stayed on Crete!--but nothing can keep us away from a good ol' Starbucks fix once in a while. Don't fret though, as it is not all fun and games: we have been on-site at sanctuaries, temples, palaces, and have visited a plethora of museums during our stay here.
From Jocelyn:
Tonight, I played soccer with some locals with Emily and Devin (CC was doing laundry, and BZ has been sick). Didn't realize the plan was to jog over to a field to play, so I went in khacki shorts, a fleece, and a regular bra. I looked as ridiculous as the people who ski in jeans, but we won a game and kept up fairly well.
From Webby:
Look at us reppin our LFC soccer gear!

More updates on spring practice and off-campus players to follow! Happy Spring everyone.
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