Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Three Priorities, a Fun Hobby, and Two Endorsements

During the season we like to say that our kids have three things that take precedence over everything else. The first, of course, is family. The second is academics. Lake Forest College is an academically demanding school. The Conference, the Athletic Department, and the coaches try to make it as easy as possible for our kids to do well in school in (and out) of season. Finishing a strong third is soccer and the team. In season, all of those priorities mean that there isn't a ton of time for other things. Still, our student athletes seem to find plenty of time for napping, socializing, and watching Grey's Anatomy and Jersey Shore.

Over the week of homecoming a few players competed (I use that term VERY loosely) in a Intramural volleyball tournament. Pretty sure they had fun dressing up and playing even if we learned they aren't terribly good at volleyball.
Rocky spent quite a bit of time on the floor

They might have had a better chance of winning if they could stop laughing for 5 seconds
Rocky takes Webby out. And they still lost the point.

Two extremely unofficial endorsements:

If you see a Forester chewing gum during a game or practice it is most likely Extra peppermint flavor. Coach Geiser provides the gum and prefers Extra peppermint for its long lasting flavor, general chewability, and breath freshening capabilities.

Since our season takes place in the autumn months, many of the Foresters favorite things are associated with apples, pumpkins, apple cider, and changing leaves. A beverage that seems to encapsulate all of those in one warm, yummy package is the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Alumnae who are feeling a little homesick for Forester Soccer have been known to drive far out of their way to pick a PSL up as a spirit-boost.

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