We haven't had a ton of good luck on the soccer field lately (at least during games) so we've decided to spend the week getting back to the basics--how to compete, why is competing fun, how can we help our teammates compete. In that spirit, we had a number of small and somewhat bizarre games at practice today. The team was divided into two groups:
The Blue Barracudas
and Team PrideThey arm wrestled (no photo available),
played towel tug of war,
did push-ups (predictably the Canadian won, all that chopping down trees and wrestling bears makes you strong),
ran an obstacle course
sumo-ed with pads,
and wrestled (which is not as weird as it may seem, I swear) .
All in all, a good time was had by all. Not to mention that we COMPETED and WORKED.
And our training staff was available to provide Gatorade and emotional support.
Thanks Nikki and Sam!
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